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Episode 404 - On the House
Party Time!
A handi-person's lunch...
Let me guess, every time you see this show you think to yourself, "Nik's place looks wonderful!" Do you? I certainly hope so! However, any space can always use a little renovation project to spice it up a bit. My place is no exception and I would like to share with you some tips on how to celebrate a renovation with innovation.

In planning a renovation project, I called upon some friends to help me out. Wanting to show my gratitude for all their hard work, I also figured that the best way to keep those energy levels up would be to give them a good lunch. I decided to set up a lunch station in the centre of the room.

Now, it doesn't matter what you're doing, whether it's installing a kick plate or adding a light fixture, the tools of the trade are important. I began by setting up two ladders across from each other, stretching two 2" x 4"'s between them on their medium rungs. Next, I placed down some brand new, empty paint cans, which I had picked up at the paint store when choosing my paint colours. I figured they would also be perfect salad containers. I wanted to present this luncheon in true renovation form, so I figured these authentic service pieces would be just what would be called for. I also picked up some smaller empty paint cans, perfect items in which to place the condiments.

Paintbrushes may be perfect for touch-ups, but they also make wonderful condiment spreaders. I decided to hang a few of them on screws, which I had put along another 2" x 4" which I placed across the top of the buffet table from the top of one ladder to the other. Rolling trays could also serve a dual purpose: to present the cold cuts in, and to paint with later on.

Glassware consisted of some old mason jars that I had stored in my basement. For dishware, I used enamel plates - very durable, and easy to clean up. I also discovered that my tool belt would make a terrific cutlery dispenser. I placed the forks, knives, and spoons into it and tied it around my waist so I could distribute the cutlery to my guests with little effort.

Are you beginning to think the whole idea is a little bit nutty and I've got a couple of screws loose? Well, actually, that might be true, and as a result, I was able to make a perfect napkin treatment, adding a screw to each simple linen napkin, using some baling wire.

Finally, if you've got a big tool box at home, why not take it out, clean it up, and then fill it with breads just like I did? Add a few potted herbs along the rungs of the ladder and you'll be all set.

When setting up your renovation luncheon buffet, the idea is to try to keep it authentic, and to make it look like it's a work surface in motion. Now, just in case I haven't hammered the point home, renovation parties can still be entertaining. From one ladder to the other, our working lunch certainly works.